6 Tips for Avoiding Unnecessary Doctors



Many years ago, a friend of mine suddenly started to go blind. So he went to the emergency room, and the doctors informed him that he had diabetes.

I went to visit this friend while he was in the hospital, and when I walked into his room, I was shocked to see that he was in a hospital bed eating a "Wendy's" bacon cheeseburger, french fries, and a Coke. (There was a "Wendy's" fast-food restaurant inside the hospital.)

"What kind of a "recovery meal" is that for a diabetic???" I thought to myself.

I then started to wonder how the ridiculous idea of putting a fast-food restaurant inside a hospital could have even been approved in the first place.

This incident helped sparked my skepticism towards the health care system, because it showed that some of the people in it are either ignorant about the connection between diet and health, or they know about it but don't want to talk about it because healthy people don't need doctors.

"There's no money in healthy people, and there's no money in dead people. The money is in the middle. People who are alive (sort of) but with one or more chronic conditions."
- Bill Maher

If a doctor is quick to prescribe drugs to people without even enquiring about their diet and lifestyle choices, then that "doctor" is basically a "drug dealer".

Some doctors get a big financial bonus for every time they put one of their patients on certain drugs. But if the job of a doctor was truly to keep their patients healthy, then they should be getting rewarded for every time one of their patients actually heals and is able to get off of drugs.

More than half of the deaths in the United States are due to "cancer", "diabetes", and "heart disease". And yet, many people are being lead to believe that there are still no cures for these problems and that there is nothing that we can do on our own to prevent them from happening to us.

As long as there is far more money to be made off of us being sick than us being well, then we need to take care of ourselves as much as we can so that we don't have to turn to a backwards system like that for help.


If you were to take a "medical dictionary", and you randomly picked one of the thousands of different health problems that are listed in it. And then you devoted some time to learning about that particular health problem and all of the symptoms that are associated with it, there is a very good chance that you would start to worry that you have that health problem.

Now imagine what will happen if millions of people turn on the News, and they hear that there is a deadly new virus going around.

What will happen is a "mass hysteria"!

There have been a lot of "end of the world" predictions that have come and gone over the centuries. And although none of them actually happened, it doesn't mean that they didn't leave behind a great path of destruction in their wake.

During a "mass hysteria", there can be so much fear that the fear itself can end up being even more destructive than the thing that everyone was afraid of in the first place.

If you have ever seen a bag of oranges where there was one bad orange in the bag that was moldy but all the others were all fine, it's because the bad one got smashed or damaged in some way, so it got taken over by mold. And the same thing happens whenever a terrible sickness is going around that seems to be targeting people with damaged health who are suffering from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or obesity.

And the best "immunity" for "mass hysteria" is to get healthier so that you have a lot less to worry about, and so you can inspire others to get healthy and not live in fear either.


Think for a moment about just how strong and resilient the grass in your front yard is. (You can walk on it, you can run over it with a car, and you can even cut it with a lawnmower, yet it will still continue to grow and thrive.)

But if you simply lay a towel over a patch of grass, and you leave it there for a few days so that the grass won't get any sun exposure, the grass will start to turn pale and will eventually wither and die. And the same thing can happen to us if we don't get enough sunlight.

The sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth, yet it can open and close all of the flowers on Earth, and it can also strengthen all of our immune systems if we spend some time outside in the sun.

There is an old saying that "you are what we eat", and in the same way that plants that are kept indoors will sometimes lean towards the window on sunny days because they want to be in the sun, once I started eating a "plant-based diet", I found myself looking out the window on sunny days and longing to be outside in the sun.

I believe that those who suffer from low energy and depression (and who also happen to be spending all of their time indoors and looking at screens) would literally feel like a battery being recharged if they started spending some time "unplugged" from technology and outside absorbing some sunlight.


Our ancient ancestors worshipped the sun, and they realized that without the sun we wouldn't be alive. But doctors today will often tell their patients that the sun causes cancer, and that they should either stay out of the sun completely or wear sunscreen as a "shield" from it.

But if the sun causes cancer, I would like to ask the following questions...

- Why is it that the body parts that men and women are the most likely to develop cancer in, just happens to be the intimate body parts that are the most covered up, and therefore get little to no sun exposure?

- Why is it that people's immune systems become the weakest during the winter when they are spending the most time indoors and least time in the sun?

- Why is it that skin cancer is more common now than ever before, despite the fact that we are spending far less time in the sun now than ever before? (Our ancient ancestors worked a lot outdoors, now most of us work inside buildings. Our ancestors traveled a lot by foot or by horse, now we mostly travel inside vehicles. Kids used to spend their childhood playing outside, now kids spend their childhood inside their house playing video games and looking at screens.)

I'm not suggesting that you can't get "too much" sun exposure, but I am suggesting that you can get "too little" sun exposure, and that a lot of people would benefit from getting some more sun exposure.


"Vitamin D" is often referred to as "The Sunshine Vitamin", because our bodies produce it as a result of sun exposure.

If you can do it, I would encourage you to start "sunbathing" by laying outside with as little of clothing as possible. (And preferably none at all, because the more skin that is exposed the more sunlight you will absorb, and because no part of your skin is truly clean if it NEVER gets exposed to fresh air and sunlight.)

Where I live, I have neighbors who can see my backyard, but if I simply stack up some boxes I can build a "wall" which prevents them from being able to see and allows me to sunbathe however I want to.

If you have really light skin, 20 - 30 minutes of direct sun exposure will probably be all the sun exposure that you need in a day. And if you have really dark skin, you can (and should) spend about twice as much time in the sun since you have more "melanin".

"Melanin" is a natural "sunscreen" that our bodies developed through evolution, and the more of it you have, the darker your skin color. (Our ancestors who lived near the equator where it's always hot developed dark skin to protect themselves from the constant sun exposure they were getting. And our ancestors who lived in colder climates with long periods of winter developed lighter skin so they could easily absorb the sun whenever it was available.)

The sun will only be strong enough for "Vitamin D" synthesis to occur during certain hours of the day. And depending on where you live, it may only be strong enough during certain months of the year.

Generally speaking, the sun is the most powerful at noon and will usually not be strong enough for "Vitamin D" production in the early morning or late afternoon. (I like to sunbathe at 11:00 AM when the sun is strong but not "intense".) And the sun is also the most powerful during the summer and will usually not be strong enough for "Vitamin D" production in the winter. (Unless you are living in a warm area that doesn't really have "winters".)

If you have cold winters where you live, and you have to go several months in a row without adequate sun exposure, "Vitamin D" supplementation may be necessary. And it would also be wise to schedule any vacation time that you have for the middle of the winter and to go someplace warm and tropical so you can get some sun exposure during the wintertime.

I personally like to spend the winter in "Costa Rica" so I can get sunshine all year-round, and you can click HERE to see some pictures of my first winter there.


There are a lot of "health experts" out there these days, and the "health expert" who inspired me to get into health and fitness was a man named "Jack Lalanne"...




Way back when televisions were still in black & white, "Jack Lalanne" had the very first exercise program on television and he was preaching about the importance of diet and exercise.

He also opened the first chain of "gyms" in America, and he even invented a lot of the popular workout machines that can now be found in almost any gym. (Including the "pull-down machine", the "leg extension machine", and the "smith machine".

He also held the world record for push-ups, and performed many incredible feats of strength throughout his lifetime. And even the exercise known as "jumping jacks" and the word "jacked" (which is used to describe a fit and muscular person) were all named after "Jack Lalanne".

And even though he grew up during "the great depression", and he spent much of his early career being accused of being a "quack" due to not everyone being ready for the message he was sharing, he also preached about the importance of keeping a positive mental attitude in life.

He was an incredible example of a "health expert".

But a lot of the "health experts" on TV these days NEVER even bother to bring up things like diet and exercise, and instead of wearing work-out clothes, they tend to wear business suits. And instead of talking about the importance of keeping a positive mental attitude, they seem to want all of us to live in fear, and seem far more interested in pushing drugs on people than doing "push-ups".

A lot of the most well-known and trusted "health experts" these days might not even exercise or eat any better than the average American does. (Which doesn't make them "bad people", but if someone isn't taking their own health all that seriously, it wouldn't be wise to trust them to take your health more seriously than their own.)

If you are going to trust someone else with something as important as your health, I would encourage you to have some really high standards, and to not automatically trust someone just because they have the word "doctor" in their name or because they use the word "science" a lot.


I have always had a deep fascination with "outer space", and anyone who shares this fascination knows that sometimes astronomers will talk about their theories about the universe as if they were "facts". And some of them are convinced that they know how the universe began, how the universe will end, whether there is life elsewhere in the universe, etc.

And while it may seem harmless for a scientist who studies outer space to believe that they have the universe all figured out, if a scientist believes that they have human health all figured out, AND they believe that they should have the legal right to force everyone on Earth to follow their personal health recommendations because they see themselves as smarter than all the rest of us, we should never allow them to have that kind of power.

Back in the early 1900's, a lot of people were convinced that sickness and diseases would be eliminated by the year 2000 thanks to all the pharmaceutical drugs that science was creating. And because of this belief, the natural remedies that people had been using for countless generations became looked at as "primitive" and "inferior" to the modern medicines that were being created in labs. So, people stopped using "natural cures" (and even demonized the term) in favor of the new and improved remedies that could be purchased at any drug store.

Now that we are well into the 2,000's, we can look around and see that not only did pharmaceutical drugs not eliminate all sickness and disease by the year 2000, but there is actually far MORE sickness and disease now than ever. (And all of the natural herbal remedies that people had used for countless generations have been virtually erased from our collective consciousness in just the last 100 years.)

"Medical science has made such tremendous progress, that there is hardly a healthy human left."
- Aldous Huxley

It was also believed in the early 1900's, that through the help of medical science, people would be living a lot longer by the year 2000. And although it's true that there are people today who are in their 80's, 90's, and even 100's, many of them are in nursing homes where they are confined to a bed or a wheelchair and are completely dependent on others to take care of them. And many of them don't even recognize their own children when they come to visit them. (If their family is even allowed to visit them due to the fact that they are so "high risk".)

So rather than saying that people are "living" a longer life thanks to modern medicine, I think that it would be far more accurate to say that many of these people are "dying" a much slower death and are literally spending the last years or even decades of their lives on their deathbeds.

When an old person died in the past, it would often be quick and painless. And if there were any witnesses in the room when they died, they would usually say something like the following...

"Our Grandpa was just sitting there in his chair talking and he seemed perfectly fine, but then he suddenly closed his eyes and lowered his head, and that was how he died."

But nursing homes today are filled with old people who are dying such a slow and uncomfortable death, that when they finally do pass away, their loved ones will actually feel relieved and will be saying things like...

"At least Grandma can finally rest in peace and won't have to suffer any more."

Also keep in mind that not all "experts" agree with each other, and below is a quote from a medical doctor sharing his expertise...

"I declare as my conscientious conviction, founded on long experience and reflection, that if there were not a single physician, surgeon, man-midwife, chemist, apothecary, druggist, nor drug on the face of the Earth, there would be less sickness and less mortality than now prevail."
- James Johnston, M.D.